Bird Gardens
"Not a day goes by that I don’t thank you profusely for my bird garden." - Exerpt from March 2010 letter from customer, Nancy McCollum of Thomasville, GA
A bird garden creates a focal point that includes water, rocks, plants and feeders. It is a space designed to be aesthetically pleasing as viewed from inside the home, while providing food, water and cover for birds. The water feature can be as simple as a birdbath or something more involved, such as a mister spraying water over rocks into a shallow pool. Jody uses a variety of feeders, from low platform feeders fashioned from crab orchard fieldstone to carved limbs or driftwood for suet to the Droll Yankees squirrel-proof feeder. He learned bird garden design from the master, Betty Komarek, co-founder of Birdsong Nature Center. Contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment with Jody for your own bird garden design.
Rose-breasted Grosbeak Watercolor by Brian Bryson - More prints for sale in the gift shop!